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What We Can Do For You

When you're facing a leak buried in the floor, within a wall, or under the bath, the process of getting it repaired and claiming insurance can be stressful. You may already have contacted your insurer but are stuck because contractors can't quote the cost without locating the leak. At Euras Professional Services, we can handle your entire claim process, from finding the leak to getting all the necessary repair work done.

Step-by-Step Guide on How We Operate

  1. Initial Contact: You contact us to initiate the leak detection process. Our building surveyor will get in touch with you promptly.
  2. Site Assessment: Our surveyor will visit your property to photograph the damage and make notes about what building works are needed. Your insurance details will also be reviewed.
  3. Leak Detection Appointment: A specialized leak detection engineer from our team will call you to discuss the issue. They will then schedule a leak detection appointment and provide you with a detailed report. This service is chargeable, but most insurance policies with trace and access coverage should reimburse you once the leak is identified.
  4. Documentation and Approval: We will send a detailed specification report, including trace and access works and the leak detection report, directly to your insurer. We will also request that a loss adjuster is appointed to meet with us onsite and agree on all costs, including reimbursement for the leak detection.
  5. Execution of Repair Work: Once the costs are approved by your insurer, our building team will begin the repair work within 48 hours. This includes exposing the leak, drying any wet areas, and completing all necessary repairs to bring your property back to its original state.
  6. Final Billing: Your insurance company will be invoiced for all the work done, and you will only be responsible for paying the insurance excess.

By entrusting us with your leak detection insurance claim, you'll be free of the stress and inconvenience typically associated with such issues. Our expertise in dealing with insurance companies ensures a hassle-free experience for you.


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